【アジア美術文化協会 (AACA)について】

アジア美術文化協会 (AACA)は、2007年より日本とインドネシアの2国間で開始された明日夢(あすむ)美術文化交流の実績をもとに、アジアにおける美術文化交流を実施するボランティア活動、若手アーティストの発掘と育成、アジアにおける文化理解と美術交流を通じて、国際社会で活躍できる若手の育成を目指しています。


【About AACA(Asia Art and Culture Association)】

Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA), between Japan and Indonesia Art and Culture Exchange Project based on the achievements of that began in 2007.
The pourpose of Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA) is understanding about Art and Culture in Asia , through dialogue and discovering youngest artist , activities to promote cultural understanding art education in Asia.

        ACCA © Asmudjo Jono Irianto

本作品は、インドネシアの現代アート作家、アスム―ジョ・イリアント氏の作品です。アジアと日本の友好展の証しとして、アジア美術文化協会 (AACA)の前身であるギャラリー明日夢へ寄贈されました。


【About Art Work with Asumdjo Jono Iriant】
This art work is famouse Indonesian contemporary artist , Asmudjo Jono Irianto. He was pioneer with Indonesia contemporary ceramics artist and first coopraite with Japan and Indonesia Exchange Art and Culture Project , who was first information Indonesia art education with in Japanese article.

【アジア美術文化協会 美術文化交流 プロジェクト】

【Asia Art and Culture Association Art and Culture Exchange Project】
The Asian Arts and Culture Association (AACA) has provided a platform, and through dialogue with art educator,creative develop their own possibilities.We are responsible for the next generation of international society can explore and through exchange of art and culture in Asia.Through of ACCA project , we creative dialogue opptunity with curator , artisrt and art educator in Asia.We would creating for wide-ranging exchange and dialogue , deepening relationships with diverse art cultures in Asia.

【アジア美術文化協会 美術文化交流 プログラム】

【Asia Art & Culture Association Art and Culture Exchange Program】
Exchange project of Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA) , activities including "Overseas Exhibitions","Introductions Japanese Art and Culture""Art Volunteers"and etc.
We have promoted many programs, purpose of exchange art and culture from the Asia region to Japan, "Introducing Asia Art culture","Exhibition in Japan by Asian artists","Invitation of Japanese culture researchers in Asia"and "Fellowship for Japanese Culture Researchers".
We are several times transfer to cultural exchanges between Asian art experts, art educators and artists.We are holding project with "Asian International Children's Exhibition","Art exchange exhibition among students".We are arrange the opportunity with conferences and symposiums to dialogue about "Art ,culture and Art education in Asia" as the collaborative research.


アジア美術文化協会(AACA) 美術文化交流プログラム一覧


アジア美術文化協会 美術ボランティア

【アジア美術文化協会 美術文化交流 ボランティア 活動】

【ACCA: Art Volunteer Activity】

Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA) development promotion activities art volunteers, for example send wheelchair transfer activities to disabled schools,provide assistance for overseas earthquakes and disasters.We also actively support student volunteers.

